“Sunday Stories” and “The Creation Room“
Christian formation for children ages 3 to 12, Sundays at 10:45. Children spend the first 15 minutes in the nave for music and a story, before leaving with a leader to child-led worship. The story told in the worship service each week is carefully structured to provide an accessible visual, tangible focus for the children hearing the story, while remaining true to the Biblical source and coordinating with the lessons from the Revised Common Lectionary that will be read during the service. If you would like to learn the method we use and take a turn telling the children’s story, contact Pamela at storyteller@emmanuelcommunitychurch.ca
Spark — Our youth group for ages 11 to 18
Spark meets in the Youth Room at 10:30 am on Sunday Mornings.
Coffee Hour
The Church is not a building — it’s the community of God’s People, so hospitality and fellowship are the “mortar” that holds the Church together. Our faithful coffee ministers take it in turns to lay out a simple snack of tea and coffee, with juice for the children, and cookies. If you’d like to take a turn as coffee minister you can sign up on the community noticeboard in the foyer, or speak to one of the hosts who can help get you started, or contact Pamela.
Everyone likes to feel welcomed, and newcomers sometimes need a little help getting comfortably seated. If you can help with greeting worshippers on a Sunday, please sign up in the foyer or talk to Robert.