Prayers for the Fifth Sunday of Epiphany B

We pray for this land:

Creator God,
who from time immemorial
has entrusted this land where we now live
to the the stewardship of the Blackfoot Nations:
the Siksika, the Piikani, and the Kainai;
and in later times
to the Tsuut’ina, the Nakoda, and Métis Nation,
Bring justice, we pray, to all the peoples of this land,
that we may stand with one another as your children,

God of compassion,
Heal our brokenness;

We pray for the whole Church throughout the world. O Lord, guide your people in the way of wisdom, to encounter people of other faith traditions with respect and compassion, to listen to their voices with open and compassionate hearts. Within the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, we uphold the dean, council and congregations of the Two Rivers, Nith Valley and Niagara areas of the Eastern Synod. Within the Synod of Alberta and the North we pray for Hope Lutheran Church and Hosanna Chinese Lutheran Church. We ask Your continuing guidance and empowerment on all congregations that serve You and your wisdom on all church leaders, including our own community church of Emmanuel and our church council, Pastor Daranne, and the people of Emmanuel. Open our ears, O Lord, to hear you calling us to ministry in your name, and give us the courage to respond.

God of compassion,
Heal our brokenness;

We pray for the world: We pray for protection for the west coast of North America as storms of record force strike the coastlines: for the people facing flooding and evacuation, for the people of Chile in danger from wildfires driven by extreme heat and drought; for the thousands of people in Congo forced into temporary shelters by heavy rains and flooding. Here in Western Canada we pray for snow and rain to prevent drought following this unusually dry winter. We pray also for all Your lesser creatures who suffer whenever these extreme weather events occur.

We ask your help, heavenly Father, in creating strong relationships, justice, and respect between people in every human endeavour: at our places of employment and commerce, in families, in schools and our communities. Where we are able, guide us to help those who are more in need than ourselves; where our strength is inadequate on our own help us to rely on one another as fellow-children of the same Father; where we are in need and are overlooked by the more powerful, be our advocate and protector.

God of the nations: entrust your Spirit of justice and peace to the leaders and citizens of every nation, especially Charles our King, Mary our Governor General, Justin our Prime Minister and all members of Parliament, Danielle our Premier and all members of the legislative assembly, and Jyoti our Mayor and the members of city council.

God of compassion,
Heal our brokenness;

Jesus our healer, we remember today all who suffer from various illnesses of the body, mind and soul; the poor and homeless, the hungry and naked; the refugees; widows, widowers and orphans; the unemployed and underemployed; the persecuted, tortured, and imprisoned; the  victims of abuse of every kind; and all whom we name before you now either out loud or in the silence of our hearts.



God of compassion,
Heal our brokenness;

We give thanks for all the saints and witnesses to the faith who have gone before us into Your nearer presence, especially for Val Pollock, and for all the ways she served this congregation during her life.

Grant that we may live our lives in the footsteps of those who have closely followed you that we too may, in our lives as in our deaths be constantly aware of your close and guiding presence.

God of compassion,
Heal our brokenness;

All this we ask O Lord, in the name of Jesus your beloved Son,

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