A Change of Leadership

Emmanuel’s Annual General Meeting was held following the 10:30am Sunday service, on February 11. As allowed in our bylaws, everyone from our fellowship was welcome to address the meeting, although only those who have been formally received into membership could vote or stand for election.

Our outgoing president, Bob Schimpf, chaired the AGM, but was not able to stand for re-election as he was at the end of the maximum term allowed for a member of the executive, six years. The Council Executive are the president, vice president (Omar Said), secretary and treasurer (Betty Pollock). Vice-president and treasurer are elected in odd-numbered years, so did not stand for election this year.

Paul Keen and Omar Said stood for election as president, with the office going to Paul by majority vote; and Omar continuing in his role as vice president. Rob Wilkinson stood for election as secretary and was elected by aclaimation. Pamela MclEan, Cheryl-Ann Holtz, Ken McKinnon and Robert Madsen agreed to continue as Directors of Fellowship, Faith and Witness, Property, and Worship, respectively; and were all elected by acclaimation to an additional two-year term. Like the Vice-president and Treasurer, the Directors of Education, Social Ministry, and Youth will carry over from last year and come up for election in 2025.

Reports from the outgoing and continuing Officers and Directors could be picked up during Sunday worship prior to the AGM, and are available from the church office.

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