Hear What God is Doing!
The first Lenten soup-and-buns night of 2024 featured a delicious hamburger soup from Betty Pollock, an equally scrumptious cream-of-mushroom soup from Cheryl-Ann Holtz and Beth McDougall, and dessert from Paul Keen.
Darlene Junghans gave a short, heart-felt testimony of how God has worked in her life, seeing her through times of grief and frustration, with God’s constant and compassionate patience.
For years, Emmanuel has observed Lent with fellowship suppers on the Wednesday evenings: a simple meal of soup and buns shared with our fellow-children in Christ, followed by a testimony offered by one of our number. In the past few years this practice has varied slightly, with Bible study offered instead of testimony, and last year with the suppers alternating between our church building and Prince of Faith Lutheran Church. But this year, we are back to the practice that has served us so well over the decades.