Congregation General Meeting: 5 May 2024
A general meeting of Emmanuel Community Church was held Sunday 5 May following morning worship. 32 members and 7 observers attended, with Pastor Daranne Harris, on behalf of the Bishop, taking the chair for the majority of the meeting’s business. Two motions were presented to the members, the first to accept the Employment Agreement that had been drawn up by the call committee with guidance from the synod office, and the call itself. Prior to voting on the motions, Bob Schimpf spoke to endorse the proposed call, describiong Pastor Laura as eager for our growth as Christians as well as our growth as a congregation. She demands engagement from the congregation: as she said at her first sermon to us: “This is not a TV”.
Both the Employment Agreement and the Letter of Call were approved by vote of the congregation, initiating a waiting period during which Pastor Laura would have the opportunity to consider the call. Pastor Daranne finished by leading the congregation in prayer for Pastor Holt and for our congregation.