Stephen Ministers enter Emmanuel’s renewed Stephen Ministry
On September 8, three newly-graduated Stephen Ministers and one long-serving minister were commissioned to serve in our congregation and the surrounding communities. Stephen Ministers provide free confidential distinctively-Christian care to people going through life’s difficult times. Stephen Ministry is a ministry of active listening, supported by prayer, provided one-on-one to help care receivers process their complex feelings. Stephen Ministers receive 50 hours of high-quality training before entering on this ministry, and receive continuing competence training and peer supervision for as long as they continue in the ministry.
Everyone will struggle with difficulties at some time. Stephen Ministers are equipped to help people deal with the anger, sorrow and other strong emotions that naturally follow from bereavement, divorce, job loss, marital or family issues, chronic or terminal illness, loneliness, and relocation. Whether you have been struggling alone for some time, or are at the beginning of a challenging time; whether you consider your challenge a minor concern, or find that it complicates all aspects of your day-to-day life, you are entitled to reach out and request a Stephen Minister. If you know someone who is struggling, you can ask their permission to pass their contact information to our Stephen Leader, who will contact them to discuss Stephen Ministry. No-one should ever have to struggle alone.