Tea With The Pastor on September 11
Tea with the Pastor is a valuable opportunity to share priorities and concerns with Pastor Laura and others from our fellowship. “Tea” is a euphemism: coffee drinkers are welcome too, […]
Sundays at 10:30am; 3003 28th St SE; https://meet.google.com/qui-cnnu-obf
Tea with the Pastor is a valuable opportunity to share priorities and concerns with Pastor Laura and others from our fellowship. “Tea” is a euphemism: coffee drinkers are welcome too, […]
Emmanuel Community Church celebrated “Reunion Sunday” this September 8, welcoming back those of our fellowship who have been away for the summer. Along with those returnees, we were delighted to […]
On August 9, eight people from Emmanuel’s fellowship and the neighbourhood gathered to learn about the history and practice of using and making prayer beads. From the ancient Desert-Fathers and […]
Saturday 24 August started early — at 9am — for people looking forward to breakfasting on the results of Peter Dittman’s expert cooking. But for Bob Schimpf, who personally provides […]
On August 21 Pastor Laura invited anyone and everyone to afternoon tea in the church foyer. Fifteen people attended the event, which provided an opportunity for group sharing about what […]
Praying the Office of the Hours is the third, and last, in our series “Who Taught You to Pray: Contemplative Strategies for Enriching Your Prayer Life.” Prayer is a skill […]
For people who belonged to the church from the day of their baptism as an infant, it may seem that they have always known how to pray. Perhaps they learned […]
Community cookie-bake; August 6 from 1:30 to 4pm (subject to change). One initiative that the Fellowship team have been focusing on this year, is making connections with the local community […]
The second of Dr. Laura Holck’s 3-seminar online series takes place tonight at 6pm, by Zoom. If you missed the first session, register using the link below. The series is […]
A general meeting of Emmanuel Community Church was held Sunday 5 May following morning worship. 32 members and 7 observers attended, with Pastor Daranne Harris, on behalf of the Bishop, […]